Independent Drug Testing and Forensic Services (IDTAFS) is a forensic laboratory located in Albuquerque, New Mexico for the mission of aiding law enforcement, attorneys – both prosecution and defense, to assist in criminal, civil and private concerns. As a private laboratory, IDTAFS is not under the constraints of the State legislature for funding or ability to operate that convenes only once a year. In addition, unlike law enforcement labs, we have no jurisdiction to be bound by. IDTAFS can take cases from any part of the State, the US, or across the world. IDTAFS can assist prosecution in obtaining evidence or give defense the ability to obtain an unbiased independent analysis of the evidence against their client. We can also assist the private sector in personal matters that law enforcement can not assist with, or who do not have the resources whether it be time or manpower to give adequate attention to the event.
Independent Drug Testing and Forensic Services is the first of its kind in New Mexico and possibly in the US to provide forensic services that traditionally have been performed by governmental labs strictly for the purpose of criminal evidence. The world has changed so dramatically in the past several years that the traditional labs are overwhelmed and are falling behind. The private sector must be made available if true justice is to be served and IDTAFS is here to lead the way.